CLI Tutorial Answers

CLI Introduction

Self-Check 1

What does CLI stand for?

Command-Line Interface

What command tells you your current location on the CLI?

Command pwd (short for print working directory)

With what command do you change into another directory?

Command cd (short for change directory)

Can you think of way to change into the parent directory other than using the command cd ..?

In contrast to using the relative path with .., which basically means “one directory up from where I am at the moment” you could use the absolute path. To do this you could use the command pwd to get the current location and remove the last part of the absolute bath.

john> pwd
john> cd /homes/john
john> pwd


Self-Check 2

How do you list the content of your current directory?

With command ll (short for long list).

Which column of the ll output shows the size of a file ?

Column 6 of the ll output shoes the size of the file.

How do you create a directory ?

Use the command mkdir PATH_TO_DIRECTORY where PATH_TO_DIRECTORY is the relative or absolute path to the directory you want to create.

Example using relative paths tim$ mkdir my_new_directory

This will create a new directory called my_new_directory in my current location

Example using absolute paths: tim$ mkdir /Users/tim/my_new_directory

This will create the new directory my_new_directory in the directory /Users/tim

How do you add a flag to a command?


  1. ... are added just after the command and before the arguments of the command
  2. ... start with one or sometimes two hyphens
  3. ... sometimes need arguments just like commands themselves

How to you list the first 5 lines of a file?

Use the command head with the -n flag to specify the number of lines the command should print

john> head -n 5 FILE_NAME